
各位Astro的用户注意了!从10月1日开始,每月账单的付款截止日期将缩短至25天!一旦用户没有在逾期之前缴纳,将被暂停服务,以及需要缴纳高达RM21.20 的重新连接费!

付费电视运营商 Astro目前已经陆续向所有客户发送了一则电邮,通知他们修改了账单的付款逾期日。


一旦客户忘记在25天内缴清账单,可能会面对被暂停服务。而一旦被暂停服务,客户将需要缴纳一笔高达RM21.20 的重新连接费用。


Why is there a need to change the due date?

Effective 1 October, Astro’s bill payment due date will be revised to 25 days after a customer’s billing date. This change in due date allows customers to enjoy uninterrupted viewing when they make payments before the next bill is generated for the following month.Please check your latest monthly bill statement for more details about this new change.

What will happen if I don’t make payment before the due date?

If Astro does not receive your payment by the stated due date, you may experience an interrupted viewing experience as our system may automatically detect and suspend your account due to the delayed payment. If you wish to reconnect your subscription, there will be a charge of RM21.20 (inclusive of 6% SST) upon reconnection (except for Commercial & Hotel customers).

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